Why language teachers love Content Based Language Instruction

“Martina– I don’t know what planet you’ve been living on, but this is NOT new to me, this is what I already do! CBI lends itself to cooperative learning, which has been shown to result in improved learning (Slavin, 1995; Crandall, 1993). For homework, students are given a map and a description of Australia. They have to read the description and then label the major cities as well as points of the interest on the map.

What is Content-Based Instruction

That being said, Dueñas remarks that any kind of content would be appropriate, as long as it corresponds to the interests, needs, and language level of the learners. A crucial factor in the learning process is also the teacher’s feedback and constant clarification. Students are encouraged to engage in lively classroom discussions and ask for explanations and additional content details at any time. In today’s era teaching L2 has become a big challenge for all language teachers, https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ because the need is not only just language teaching, it has to develop the student’s abilities in the language. The most difficult task for any language teacher is to develop interest among students towards language learning, because each student’s area of interest may differ from another as well as has their own difficulties in language learning. One student may be good in understanding the language but unable to reproduce the same while in the communicating.

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This first step of «noticing» is followed by conceptualizing and integrating the «missing piece» into learners’ own language, thus «bridging the gap». Content Based Instruction is an integrated approach to language teaching in which language is the vehicle for instruction, not the immediate goal. In a Content Based lesson, language https://www.globalcloudteam.com/glossary/content-based-model/ is acquired within the context of the content. As our profession shifts its focus from language learning to language acquisition via Acquisition Driven Instruction, knowing what Content Based Instruction is and how to do it effectively will help you to know what daily instruction can look like within this new mindset.

What is Content-Based Instruction

For example, English for Specific Purposes and Task-based instruction are both examples of CBI. Discuss reasons why communities are established, how individuals and families contribute to the development of the community, and how communities change over time. When I ever get back to the classroom full-time, the first order of business for me will be negotiating my position title. I’m not going to be the Spanish teacher, I’m going to be the “In Spanish” teacher. If you have been using Comprehension Based™ methods like TPRS or MovieTalk for any amount of time, you have probably been scoffing and harrumphing through this whole post.

Principles of Content-Based Instruction

Content used to refer to the methods of grammar-translation, audio-lingual methodology, and vocabulary or sound patterns in dialog form. The Implementation of content-based approach in improving academic writing Skills of EFL students. It seems to be imperative that a language teacher employing CBI select the course themes democratically. As a matter of fact, course themes should not be imposed on the students.

What is Content-Based Instruction

We are assessing their ability to use the target lnguage regardless of the content. The integration of language and content in instruction respects the specificity of functional language use . Grabe & Stoller provide a detailed analysis of research to support content-based second language instruction. The key points of their analysis are summarized below in the categories they used to organize the findings. Additional research not cited in Grabe & Stoller is also included.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science 2021 (iCAST-SS

She feels that what she learned will help her to teach content and language more effectively for her seventh graders, some of whom are English language learners. Ms. Peng wants to put this new information to use while she is designing lessons for her upcoming U.S. history course. The school curriculum specifies that the course should include studying U.S. pioneers, and Ms. Peng feels that technology can not only help her to address the students’ content and language needs but also help them to have some authentic pioneer experiences. After she develops her objectives for both content and language for her unit on pioneer life, she decides to use a networked version of Broderbund’s old but popular Oregon Trail software to supplement the textbook. Further, the focus should be on learning new information and understanding concepts, not form; and finally, the content should correspond to students’ needs and be suitable to their level of competence in the subject.

What is Content-Based Instruction

Stryker and Leaver suggest that students need to be prepared both psychologically and cognitively for CBI, and if they are not adequately prepared, then teachers should offer the missing schemata needs for students. Or students need to be kept from enrolling in CBI courses until they are ready. In my opinion, I would suggest that teachers need to design a lesson that is intriguing and appealing enough to encourage students to participate in the lesson.

Comparison to other approaches

Meaning is clearly delivered to the teacher regarding why he was absent with minimal hindrance to communication. However, Jeffery’s speech indicates that he does not consistently mark the verbs for the past tense. This kind of speech is typical among English Language Learners . Developing collaborative skills, especially when using group work, which can have great social value. Constructed languages are languages, which are intended to be spoken by people, to people, and which have been deliberately constructed rather than having evolved. In English, an adjective comes before a noun, whereas in Spanish, the adjective comes after, In German, it possible to put noun after noun.

Traditionally, language instruction focuses on language forms; that is, learners know what to say and how to say it in various situations along with basic reading and writing skills. Nevertheless, language teachers could achieve those goals as well by moving beyond the functional language syllabus and by adopting Content-Based Instruction in their syllabus which targets content-rich and high-standard curriculum with critical thinking skills. A significant approach in language education ( Brinton, Snow, & Wesche, 1989 ), designed to provide second-language learners instruction in content and language (hence it is also called content-based language teaching; CBLT).

Learn content, acquire language

Rather than learning a language out of context, it is learned within the context of a specific academic subject. To help her students reach the language objectives for the sod house lesson, Ms. Peng scans the graphic organizers available from Education Place (/graphicorganizer) and CoBaLT . She decides that the “Decision-Maker’s Flow Chart” will support student language during the sod house exercise by integrating a writing component, scaffolding group discussion, and encouraging students to use lesson-compatible language. Although Ms. Peng will not use technology for all of her lessons, she feels that technology will help her learners stay engaged in pioneer life and meet the unit’s objectives. Nowadays, language learners need to be motivated intrinsically, as opposed to extrinsically, to keep on learning languages.

  • This falls under the top down approach to language learning where, unlike the bottom up approach, a learner first learns the overall meaning of a text and then attends to the language features.
  • The TBA employs real-life tasks that require students to use the target language for their completion.
  • That never should have been the case; the language never should have been the focus.
  • Teaching and learning through content is fun and worthwhile for not only teachers but learners.

They attend regular classes and develop English language skills through structured immersion. Some of the challenges in this approach involve the demanding teacher’s role. Most language teachers are trained to teach the language as a skill, so they may not have sufficient knowledge of the subject matter. This may mean that educators using the CBI approach would need to broaden their own expertise in the subject in advance. In contrast, teachers from the native country who are put in the position to teach a CBI class may encounter problems adapting content materials to the student’s level and catering to the student’s language needs.

Student motivation and CBI

In a word, CBI is a method of teaching language and content in tandem. The sheltered content instruction model, or structured immersion, involves teaching grade-level subject matter in the language of study. Content must be taught at a level that is comprehensible for students while promoting language development. Sheltered content instruction creates a safe, »sheltered» space where students can take risks. Teachers attempt to draw connections between lesson content and the students’ interests, experiences, and backgrounds.


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